PwC’s Asia Pacific Business Leaders Survey 2019-2020: Malaysia is reported to be the 4th largest beneficiary of the trade war. How do Malaysian business leaders feel about the opportunities this brings? Read more
Worldwide Tax Summaries: This online tool helps you keep on top of ever-changing tax rates and systems in more than 150 territories worldwide. Explore now
Explore PwC Annual Report 2019
Read about our business priorities and the impact we’ve made on our stakeholders as we build trust in society and solve important problems. Read more 
Of interest
PwC’s 2019 Holiday Outlook: Consumers are optimistic about holiday shopping. The biggest spenders are holiday travelers, college graduates and telecommuters. Read more 
Old is gold: What can companies do to prosper in the digital age? Go back to basics - focus on the customer, and generate cash to re-invest for the future. Read more  
Diversity at the expense of influence: More often than not, female directors have less power when companies increase board seats instead of replacing existing male directors. Read more 
Navigating your company into the future: The humble compass - reimagined - helps you and your company consider new options and strategies to grow towards your goals. Read more

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