PwC's Global Crisis Survey 2019: Crisis can be a good thing. But luckily, you don't have to go through it to know how. Learn from 4,500 crises for a competitive advantage. Read more
PwC Malaysia's Building Trust Awards: Malayan Banking Berhad took the top spot at the Building Trust Awards 2019 earlier this month. What did they do differently to build trust with their stakeholders? Visit the Awards microsite and explore further.
Of interest
Business: When one door closes in the US-China trade war, a window opens for regional Asian economies. Read more
Strategy: Seven steps for highly effective deal-making. Read more
Organisation & People: Upskilling is just one element in creating a workforce of the future. Job structure, corporate culture and employee fulfillment are also part of the equation. Read more
Consumer & Retail: Learn how high-street stores are pulling relevant datasets from different sources in a non-invasive way to get to know their customers better. Read more

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